Who wants Free LightWave and upgrades for 5 years?
I recently posted about NewTek taking the entire staff to see the new Indiana Jones movie.. ON THE CLOCK.. Yes.. It’s a cool place to work..
Now, NewTek is doing something even cooler for our clients and cool friends…
It’s called “LightWave 3D Model, Animate and Render Contest 2008” and the prizes are pretty sweet..
The grand prize is a license of LightWave 3D with FREE upgrades for 5 years, a license of SpeedEDIT (our HD non-linear editor), a 3D content pack (Sports Theme), Free Desktop Images training, a LightWave baseball hat and a LIMITED edition LightWave T-Shirt!
Pretty sweet stuff!!!
For more info on the contest, click here!
New to LightWave? Don’t be intimidated! This contest wants to see not only the cool stuff from Hollywood animators but also work from someone JUST getting into 3D!..
Good luck with your quest for the prize!
Note: Image above comes from a great LightWave Lightsabers tutorial by Mike Hobson. Wanna check it out? Click HERE