WHAT? United States has NO Official Language!

I was checking out the Olympic Medal count and on the United States Page LINK HERE it listed our official Language as “No Official Language”! WHAT?!

How policially correct does our country have to be.. ENGLISH is the official language of the United States of America! I’ll be the first to admit that we need to make more of an effort to learn a 2nd or 3rd language but come on! That is crazy!

Here is a link to an offical US Government website with the answer to what is the official language of the United States of America. It’s funny that it urges you to write your congressman if you would like the US to adopt an official language. We should all make requests to our Congressman to adopt English as the offical language but the requests should be written in Spanish! LOL!

While we are adopting English as the Official Language, we should go ahead and adopt Jessica Simpson as the OFFICIAL Woman!

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