Why it’s Awesome to be a Nerd – By Wil Wheaton

Shortly after his run as Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wil Wheaton joined the nerdiest company of all time, NewTek. At a recent convention, Will was asked “why it’s awesome to be a nerd” and gave this fantastic answer. Enjoy.. Proud to have him as a NewTek alum!

Are you feeling old? Age means NOTHING! Dancing Grandpa

When you start thinking you are getting old just watch this video of the dancing grandpa.. get off your butt and don’t take “I’m too old” for an answer! 🙂

This is the most excellent Tampon commercial of all time!

Interview: Russell Brand turns tables in unprofessional MSNBC interview.

Comedian Russell Brand makes an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.. Things don’t start off well when the host makes a few condescending remarks which is just the beginning of the downward spiral this interview takes.

Kudo’s to Russell Brand for staying interesting and funny in spite of the poor interview.. 5:30 it starts getting interesting when Russell takes over.

I love a nice day at the market.. Samples are dangerous!

A visit to HEB Alon Market on a Saturday afternoon is a magical tour of food samples. Chili, Sushi, Wine, Cheese and more!

Loved the stop at the wine and cheese pairing sample station! Enjoy!

Saturday with Scarlet ends up with this recording of “Clouds”

Having a Dad and daughter morning. We have been singing.. When Scarlet sang the song “Clouds”, I couldn’t help but record and post it! 🙂 Sweet song and a sweet girl.

Programmer hacks Tetris to draw video game characters

From Mashable:

Programmer Michael Birken’s new way of drawing video game characters is probably more complicated than it needs to be, but all the more incredible for it.

Birken designed an algorithm that can place single blocks of color in Tetris by strategically building and destroying lines at lightning speed. Precisely place enough blocks, and you’ve got a made-to-order line. Stack enough lines, and the result is a pixellated picture of anything you want. Birken trained the program to build images of classic 8-bit characters like Mario, Link and Samus.

Read the entire article HERE

Is Prancercise sweeping the nation? Look closely at this video!

Here is a little something for all of my fitness minded friends..Prancercise! Alright.. I’ll admit is pretty dorky.. There is one thing about this video that once you notice it, it’s ALL that you will see! HA!!


Interview: NewTek on GreatDay SA!

One of the most inspirational songs I’ve heard in a long time!

Just read the story of Zach Sobiech, a teen who was suffering from a rare form of cancer. He knew that he was reaching the end of his life and turned to music as a way to leave a message behind for his friends and family.

I got chills when I heard his song, “Clouds”.

Zach has now passed away.. RIP Zach Sobiech…

Rainn Wilson, Dwight Schrute of the office posted this FANTASTIC celebrity filled version of “clouds” to help raise awareness to the song and Zach’s Ostersarcoma Fund.

You can help support this research at:

You can download Zach’s entire album from iTunes HERE