Posts tagged: scary

DHS Officers Armed With Semiautomatics Set Up Unannounced ID Checkpoint

Residents of Leesburg, Florida were shocked to see their local Social Security office turned into a random Homeland Security checkpoint Tuesday morning, as DHS officers armed with semiautomatic rifles and accompanied by sniffer dogs checked identifications of locals. “With their blue and white SUVs circled around the Main Street office, at least one official was […]

Rape victim handcuffed and dragged away after refusing TSA pat down

From in Austin, TX Claire Hirschkind, 56, who says she is a rape victim and who has a pacemaker-type device implanted in her chest, says her constitutional rights were violated.  She says she never broke any laws.  But the Transportation Security Administration disagrees. Hirschkind was hoping to spend Christmas with friends in California, but she never made it past the […]

Blue Cross to share medical records with Google Health

I recently blogged about the new Google Health and commented how only a MORON would willingly share their medical records on the internet… Imagine my surprise today that Blue Cross Blue Shield is going to being offing Google links to their customers medical records.. BCBS really places alot of trust in Google and the security […]

Friday June 13th, 2008 in , , , , | No Comments »