The New Age of Survivalism

I guess the days of the stereotypical survivalist, the camo covered weekend warrior stockpiling guns and food, are a thing of the past. In our post-911/Katrina world, people are beginning to feel a need to be prepared. There was an interesting article in the New York Times about this trend..

Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism

I must admit this is something that I’ve been thinking about for the past few months. It first hit me this year when I noticed the DRASTIC price increase in a corn. A 50lb bag of corn has gone from around $3.50 to $7.50 in less than 18 months. Rice and Wheat are at all time highs..

It leaves me wondering how much money I’ll save by buying next months food now.. Hmm.. What about next Octobers food now. I was surpised to find how little foodstorage info there is out there and how hard it is for the average person to find affordable foodgrade storage supplies.

After reading the NYT article I stumbled on a site that tells you how many days you could last if you and your family were trapped in your house with no access to the outside world.

How Long Could You Survive Trapped In Your Own Home?

Well.. I guess that is it for me tonight.. Excuse my while I put on my camo paint, crack open an MRE and watch “I Am Legend” again. 😉

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